
Posts Tagged ‘thanksgiving’

Wow, it’s been almost a month since I’ve updated the blog here. Oops. Well, I hope everyone had a tasty and relatively drama-free Thanksgiving. Our feast included a meat-free Quorn roast on a bed of Brussels sprouts and walnuts:


Looks delish, doesn’t it? Sorry, I’ve eaten it all… I also whipped up a small cheese tasting:


L to R: Boucherondin, Drunken Goat, Year-old Manchego and Parrano

Beautywise, I’ve been occupying myself with swapping on MakeupAlley.com. Though the site has been around since 1999, I didn’t sign up and start swapping until a couple of months ago. Though my husband is convinced I’m going to end up with strangers’ cooties, so far the experience has been positive and has been an excellent outlet for my product junkie tendencies.

Another first for me is threading. Let me tell you a little story: In the summer of 2004, I stopped at a Professionail in a local mall to have my fake fingernails removed. While the nail tech was ripping those off (little did I know then I should have asked her to soak them off), she looked me square in the face and said, “Eyebrow wax, $8?” It’s a sign when an cosmetologist looks at your face and suggests a wax, I thought. It wasn’t my first eyebrow wax, but when I woke up the following morning with my forehead and brow area so inflamed that my eyes were practically swollen shut, I decided it would be my last.

I never figured out what caused the allergic reaction, but for the past four years, I have tried to maintain my brows through plucking only, which to me, doesn’t give as clean and groomed a look as waxing. So when a co-worker mentioned she was going to get her brows threaded, I jumped at the chance to try out this hair removal process.


Photo by Brittan

My co-worker Brittan snapped this photo with her phone while the slightly surly threader was working his magic. I have a low pain threshold (when I say that, I always think back to Erma Bombeck joking that her pain tolerance was so low she was bedridden for two weeks after getting her ears pierced), so I was afraid I would tear up or wince during the threading process. But it was surprisingly painless–to me, even more comfortable than plucking.

My fall and winter shaving routine is quite lax, so I’m sure if David (the threader) had spotted my pits and legs, he would’ve wanted to reach for his industrial-size spool. Am I the only one that surrenders to the hair during long-sleeves season?

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